DRF 處理模型中的選項字段

2021-09-13 02:28:14 字數 3513 閱讀 4551

django 中常常要用到選項字段


這個屬性在 django admin 得到了很好的處理,但到了 django rest framework 就不會自動轉化了。


# models.py

class user(abstractuser):

gender_choices = (

('m', 'male'),

('f', 'female'),

)gender = models.charfield(max_length=1, choices=gender_choices)

# serializers.py

class userserializer(serializers.modelserializer):

# 自定義了gender 字段,該欄位變成唯讀的了。

gender = serializers.charfield(source='get_gender_display')

class meta:

model = user

# viewsets.py

class userviewset(viewsets.modelviewset):

queryset = user.objects.all()

serializer_class = userserializer



對於模型中含有++choices++引數的字段, foo 是字段的名字, get_foo_display() 返回選項的可讀字串

要實現 model 中的 choice field, 在 get 的時候顯示選項名字,在post的時候既能字串又能接受id


# models.py

class commoninfo(models.model):

inactive = 0

published = 1

pending = -1

draft = -2

reported = -3

deleted = -4

status_choices = (

(inactive, 'inactive'),

(published, 'published'),

(pending, 'pending'),

(draft, 'draft'),

(reported, 'reported'),

(deleted, 'deleted'),

)status = models.smallintegerfield(

choices=status_choices, default=published)

# utils.py

from rest_framework import serializers

from collections import ordereddict

class choicedisplayfield(serializers.field):

"""custom choicefield serializer field."""

def __init__(self, choices, **kwargs):


self._choices = ordereddict(choices)

super(choicedisplayfield, self).__init__(**kwargs)

# 返回可讀性良好的字串而不是 1,-1 這樣的數字

def to_representation(self, obj):

"""used while retrieving value for the field."""

return self._choices[obj]

def to_internal_value(self, data):

"""used while storing value for the field."""

for i in self._choices:

# 這樣無論使用者post上來但是choices的 key 還是value 都能被接受

if i == data or self._choices[i] == data:

return i

raise serializers.validationerror("acceptable values are .".format(list(self._choices.values())))

# serializers.py

from utils import choicedisplayfield

class commoninfoserializer(serializers.modelserializer):

inactive = 0

published = 1

pending = -1

draft = -2

reported = -3

deleted = -4

status_choices = (

(inactive, 'inactive'),

(published, 'published'),

(pending, 'pending'),

(draft, 'draft'),

(reported, 'reported'),

(deleted, 'deleted'),

)status = choicedisplayfield(choices=status_choices)

from rest_framework import serializers

from collections import ordereddict

class choicedisplayfield(serializers.choicefield):

"""custom choicefield serializer field."""

def __init__(self, choices, **kwargs):


self._choices = ordereddict(choices)

super(choicedisplayfield, self).__init__(**kwargs)

# 返回可讀性良好的字串而不是 1,-1 這樣的數字

def to_representation(self, obj):

"""used while retrieving value for the field."""

return self._choices[obj]


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