日記20190408 感知層資料格式

2021-09-17 03:23:16 字數 2438 閱讀 7176


message perceptionobstacles
其中 perceptionobstacle的定義為:

message perceptionobstacle ;

optional type type = 10; // obstacle type

optional double timestamp = 11; // gps time in seconds.

// just for offline debugging, will not fill this field onboard.

// format: [x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1...]

repeated double point_cloud = 12 [packed = true];

optional double confidence = 13 [deprecated = true];

enum confidencetype ;

optional confidencetype confidence_type = 14 [deprecated = true];

// trajectory of object.

repeated common.point3d drops = 15 [deprecated = true];

// the following fields are new added in apollo 4.0

optional common.point3d acceleration = 16; // obstacle acceleration

// a stable obstacle point in the world coordinate system

// position defined above is the obstacle bounding box ground center

optional common.point3d anchor_point = 17;

optional bbox2d bbox2d = 18;//2d座標點 四個點的座標 見message bbox2d

enum subtype ;

optional subtype sub_type = 19; // obstacle sub_type 障礙子型別

repeated sensormeasurement measurements = 20; // sensor measurements ???

// orthogonal distance between obstacle lowest point and ground plane

optional double height_above_ground = 21 [default = nan];//障礙物最低點與地平面之間的正交距離

// position covariance which is a row-majored 3x3 matrix

repeated double position_covariance = 22 [packed = true];//位置協方差

// velocity covariance which is a row-majored 3x3 matrix

repeated double velocity_covariance = 23 [packed = true];//速度協方差

// acceleration covariance which is a row-majored 3x3 matrix

repeated double acceleration_covariance = 24 [packed = true];//加速度協方差

// lights of vehicles

optional lightstatus light_status = 25;//燈光狀態 左右轉向、大燈等 見message lightstatus說明



syntax = "proto2";

package apollo.common;

// error codes enum for api's categorized by modules.

enum errorcode

message statuspb


message header

message lanemarker 

message lanemarkers

message cipvinfo

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