
2021-10-03 06:41:46 字數 1269 閱讀 8574

一、 找不到bean,提示required a bean of type '***' that could not be found.





field judgeservice in com.demo.first.controller.judge.judgescontroller required a bean of type 'com.demo.first.dao.judge.judgeservice' that could not be found.

the injection point has the following annotations:

- @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired(required=true)


consider defining a bean of type 'com.demo.first.dao.judge.judgeservice' in your configuration.

可以看到 field judgeservice in com.demo.first.controller.judge.judgescontroller required a bean of type 'com.demo.first.dao.judge.judgeservice' that could not be found.

提示 judgeservice 在xx.xx.***.judgescontroller中找不到

########### controller 層#################

# 確實已經注入,進入下一層 service 層


public class judgescontroller extends basecontrol

########### service 層#################

# service 層只是正常的介面,跳過,直接看實現層

########### serviceimpl 層#################

#發現是serviceimpl 未新增 @service,到此問題原因找到


public class judgeserviceimpl implements judgeservice

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