QT中字串的比較 查詢 替換等操作

2021-10-03 22:06:41 字數 2748 閱讀 2571


qstring s1 = "welcome";

qstring s2;

s2 = s1 + "to you";

qstring s3 = "hello ";

s3 = s3 + "world";

qdebug() << s2 << endl << s3 << endl;

qstring s4 = "hello";

qdebug() << s4 << endl;

qstring s5;

s5.sprintf("%s","welcome to my world");

qdebug() << s5 << endl;

qstring s6;

s6 = qstring("i'm %1 %2").arg("is").arg("marco");

qdebug() << s6 << endl;


qstring s7("marco good");


qdebug() << s7 << endl;


qstring s8(" is good");


qdebug() << s8 << endl;


qstring s9("marco is bad");


qdebug() << s9 << endl;

qstring s10("      marco is good    ");

s10 = s10.trimmed();

qdebug() << s10 << endl;

qstring s11("      marco is good    ");

s11 = s11.simplified();

qdebug() << s11 << endl;


qstring s12("welcome to you");

qdebug() << s12.startswith("welcome",qt::casesensitive) << " "

<< s12.startswith("welcome",qt::caseinsensitive) << endl;//true


qdebug() << s12.endswith("you",qt::casesensitive) << " "

<< s12.endswith("you",qt::caseinsensitive) << endl;//true


qdebug() << s12.contains("to",qt::casesensitive) << " "

<< s12.contains("to",qt::caseinsensitive) << endl;


//localeawarecompare(const qstring& ,const qstring &)靜態成員函式


if(qstring::localeawarecompare(s11,s12) < 0)

qdebug() << "s11 < s12" << endl;

else if(qstring::localeawarecompare(s11,s12) > 0)

qdebug() << "s11 > s12" << endl;

else if(qstring::localeawarecompare(s11,s12) == 0)

qdebug() << "s11 == s12" << endl;


if(qstring::compare(s11,s12,qt::casesensitive) < 0)

qdebug() << "s11 < s12" << endl;

else if(qstring::compare(s11,s12,qt::casesensitive) > 0)

qdebug() << "s11 > s12" << endl;

else if(qstring::compare(s11,s12,qt::casesensitive) == 0)

qdebug() << "s11 == s12" << endl;

字串的比較 查詢 替換

1 public boolean equals object anobject 區分大小寫的比較 2 public boolean equalsignorecase string anotherstring 不區分大小寫的比較 3 public nt compareto string another...

qt 字串比較

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字串 字串的查詢和替換

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