
2021-10-04 07:36:06 字數 3363 閱讀 5502

啟動命令:roslaunch face_tracker_pkg start_tracking.launch



* this code will track the faces using ros

*///ros headers

#include #include #include #include //open-cv headers

#include #include #include "opencv2/objdetect.hpp"

//centroid message headers

#include //opencv window name

static const std::string opencv_window = "raw_image_window";

static const std::string opencv_window_1 = "face_detector";

using namespace std;

using namespace cv;

class face_detector

catch(int e)

// subscribe to input video feed and publish output video feed

image_sub_ = it_.subscribe(input_image_topic, 1,

&face_detector::imagecb, this);

image_pub_ = it_.advertise(output_image_topic, 1);

face_centroid_pub = nh_.advertise("/face_centroid",10);

} ~face_detector()

void imagecb(const sensor_msgs::imageconstptr& msg)

catch (cv_bridge::exception& e)

string cascadename = haar_file_face;

cascadeclassifier cascade;

if( !cascade.load( cascadename ) )

if (display_original_image == 1)

detectanddraw( cv_ptr->image, cascade );


waitkey(30); }

void detectanddraw( mat& img, cascadeclassifier& cascade)

; mat gray, smallimg;

cvtcolor( img, gray, color_bgr2gray );

double fx = 1 / scale ;


resize( gray, smallimg, size(), fx, fx, inter_linear );


equalizehist( smallimg, smallimg );


t = (double)cvgettickcount();


cascade.detectmultiscale( smallimg, faces,

1.1, 15, 0


size(30, 30) );

t = (double)cvgettickcount() - t;

for ( size_t i = 0; i < faces.size(); i++ )


rectangle( img, cvpoint(cvround(r.x*scale), cvround(r.y*scale)),

cvpoint(cvround((r.x + r.width-1)*scale), cvround((r.y + r.height-1)*scale)),

color, 3, 8, 0);

}//adding lines and left | right sections 新增行和左| 正確的部分

point pt1, pt2,pt3,pt4,pt5,pt6;

//center line

pt1.x = screenmaxx / 2;

pt1.y = 0;

pt2.x = screenmaxx / 2;

pt2.y = 480;

//left center threshold

pt3.x = (screenmaxx / 2) - center_offset;

pt3.y = 0;

pt4.x = (screenmaxx / 2) - center_offset;

pt4.y = 480;

//right center threshold

pt5.x = (screenmaxx / 2) + center_offset;

pt5.y = 0;

pt6.x = (screenmaxx / 2) + center_offset;

pt6.y = 480;

line(img, pt1, pt2, scalar(0, 0, 255),0.2);

line(img, pt3, pt4, scalar(0, 255, 0),0.2);

line(img, pt5, pt6, scalar(0, 255, 0),0.2);

puttext(img, "left", cvpoint(50,240), font_hershey_******x, 1, cvscalar(255,0,0), 2, cv_aa);

puttext(img, "center", cvpoint(280,240), font_hershey_******x, 1, cvscalar(0,0,255), 2, cv_aa);

puttext(img, "right", cvpoint(480,240), font_hershey_******x, 1, cvscalar(255,0,0), 2, cv_aa);

if (display_tracking_image == 1)}

};int main(int argc, char** ar**)

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