MySQL 日期相關查詢

2021-10-04 23:10:22 字數 1934 閱讀 1787

select * from 表名 where to_days(時間欄位名) = to_days(now());

select * from 表名 where to_days(now()) - to_days(時間欄位名) <= 1;

select * from 表名 where date_sub(curdate(), interval 7 day) <= date(時間欄位名);

select * from 表名 where date_sub(curdate(), interval 30 day) <= date(時間欄位名);

select * from 表名 where yearweek(date_format(時間欄位名,'%y-%m-%d')) = yearweek(now());

select * from 表名 where yearweek(date_format(時間欄位名,'%y-%m-%d')) = yearweek(now())-1;

select * from 表名 where date_format(時間欄位名, '%y%m') = date_format( curdate() , '%y%m' );

select * from 表名 where period_diff(date_format(now() , '%y%m' ) ,date_format( 時間欄位名, '%y%m')) =1;

select * from 表名 where date_format(時間欄位名,'%y-%m') = date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 1 month),'%y-%m');

select * from 表名 where quarter(時間欄位名) = quarter(now());

select * from 表名 where quarter(時間欄位名) = quarter(date_sub(now(),interval 1 quarter));

select * from 表名 where year(時間欄位名) = year(now());

select * from 表名 where year(時間欄位名) = year(date_sub(now(),interval 1 year));

select * from 表名 where weekofyear(from_unixtime(時間欄位名,'%y-%m-%d')) = weekofyear(now())

select * from 表名 where month(from_unixtime(時間欄位名,'%y-%m-%d')) = month(now());

select * from 表名 where year(from_unixtime(時間欄位名,'%y-%m-%d')) = year(now()) and month(from_unixtime(時間欄位名,'%y-%m-%d')) = month(now()) ;

select * from 表名 where 時間欄位名between 上月最後一天 and 下月第一天;

select date_format(from_unixtime(時間欄位名/1000),'%y%m%d') from 表名;

select unix_timestamp('2018-08-30 19-40-07')




日期字串轉時間戳,10位,資料庫儲存的是13位,記得除以1000 select unix timestamp 2019 09 01 00 00 00 時間戳轉日期 select from unixtime 1567267200,y m d h i s 查詢當天,格式為yyyy mm dd hh mm...

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