641 設計迴圈雙端佇列

2021-10-06 07:48:17 字數 2520 閱讀 9319




insertfront():將乙個元素新增到雙端佇列頭部。 如果操作成功返回 true。

insertlast():將乙個元素新增到雙端佇列尾部。如果操作成功返回 true。

deletefront():從雙端佇列頭部刪除乙個元素。 如果操作成功返回 true。

deletelast():從雙端佇列尾部刪除乙個元素。如果操作成功返回 true。

getfront():從雙端佇列頭部獲得乙個元素。如果雙端隊列為空,返回 -1。

getrear():獲得雙端佇列的最後乙個元素。 如果雙端隊列為空,返回 -1。





class mycirculardeque:

def __init__(self, k: int):

"""initialize your data structure here. set the size of the deque to be k.

"""self.head, self.tail = -1, -1

self.vec = [none for _ in range(k)]

def insertfront(self, value: int) -> bool:

"""adds an item at the front of deque. return true if the operation is successful.

"""if self.isfull(): return false

self.head -= 1

if self.head < 0:

self.head = len(self.vec)-1

self.vec[self.head] = value

return true

def insertlast(self, value: int) -> bool:

"""adds an item at the rear of deque. return true if the operation is successful.

"""if self.isfull():

return false

self.tail += 1

if self.tail == len(self.vec):

self.tail = 0

self.vec[self.tail] = value

return true

def deletefront(self) -> bool:

"""deletes an item from the front of deque. return true if the operation is successful.

"""if self.isempty():

return false

self.vec[self.head] = none

self.head += 1

return true

def deletelast(self) -> bool:

"""deletes an item from the rear of deque. return true if the operation is successful.

"""if self.isempty(): return false

self.vec[self.tail] = none

self.tail -= 1

return true

def getfront(self) -> int:

"""get the front item from the deque.

"""print(self.head, len(self.vec))

return self.vec[self.head]

def getrear(self) -> int:

"""get the last item from the deque.

"""return self.vec[self.tail]

def isempty(self) -> bool:

"""checks whether the circular deque is empty or not.

"""for x in self.vec:

if x != none:

return false

return true

def isfull(self) -> bool:

"""checks whether the circular deque is full or not.

"""for x in self.vec:

if x == none:

return false

return true

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