多執行緒設計模式 保護性暫停模式

2021-10-11 11:16:41 字數 2215 閱讀 7986




package com.leolee.multithreadprogramming.concurrent.guarded;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.slf4j;

/** * @classname test

* @description: 測試gurarded

* gurarded的作用:

* 如果有乙個執行緒的結果需要傳遞到另乙個執行緒,讓他們用gurarded做關聯

* jdk中join和future就是使用此模式實現的

* @author leolee

* @date 2020/12/5

* @version v1.0


public class test is waiting for response", thread.currentthread().getname());

log.info("response:{}", boolean.valueof(string.valueof(guardedobject.getresponse())));

}, "t1").start();

new thread(() -> executing something for response", thread.currentthread().getname());

try catch (interruptedexception e)


}, "t2").start();

}}class guardedobject catch (interruptedexception e)

}return response;}}

public object getresponse(long timeout)

try catch (interruptedexception e)

processtime = system.currenttimemillis() - begintime;

}return response;}}


public void complete(object response)




* waits at most milliseconds for this thread to

* die. a timeout of means to wait forever.

** this implementation uses a loop of calls

* conditioned on . as a thread terminates the

* method is invoked. it is recommended that

* on instances.

** @param millis

* the time to wait in milliseconds

** @throws illegalargumentexception

* if the value of is negative

** @throws interruptedexception

* if any thread has interrupted the current thread. the

* interrupted status of the current thread is

* cleared when this exception is thrown.

*/public final synchronized void join(long millis)

throws interruptedexception

if (millis == 0)

} else


now = system.currenttimemillis() - base;}}


併發程式設計 保護性暫停模式

目錄 併發程式設計之保護性暫停模式 一 定義 guarded suspension design pattern 二 簡單實現 三 超時實現 四 最終實現 某個結果需要在多執行緒之間傳遞,則可以讓這些執行緒關聯到乙個物件guardedobject 但是這個物件需要不斷從乙個執行緒到另外乙個執行緒,那...


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