STM8s 串列埠接收不定長資料

2021-10-11 19:38:57 字數 2321 閱讀 4399

usart_rtx_typedef usart1_rtx;

void uart1_initial(void)

interrupt_handler(tim4_upd_ovf_irqhandler, 23)

}//gpio_writereverse(gpioc, gpio_pin_4);


}interrupt_handler(uart1_tx_irqhandler, 17)

interrupt_handler(uart1_rx_irqhandler, 18)





#ifndef __uart_h__

#define __uart_h__

#include "main.h"

typedef struct


extern usart_rtx_typedef usart1_rtx;

void uart1_initial(void);

void uart_sendbyte (u8 byte);

void uart_sendstring(u8 *string);

void uart_senddatas(u8 *datas,u16 num);

#endif /* __uart_h__ */






//gpio_writereverse(gpiob, gpio_pin_5);


實現方法也是網上分享的方式,我這裡只是把方式修改了下。串列埠傳送 間隔最好 大於等於70ms 當然 要不然會出現黏包



* @brief uart1 interrupt definition

* uart1_it possible values

* elements values convention: 0xzyx

* x: position of the corresponding interrupt

* - for the following values, x means the interrupt position in the cr2 register.

* uart1_it_txe

* uart1_it_tc

* uart1_it_rxne

* uart1_it_idle

* uart1_it_or

* - for the uart1_it_pe value, x means the flag position in the cr1 register.

* - for the uart1_it_lbdf value, x means the flag position in the cr4 register.

* y: flag position

* - for the following values, y means the flag (pending bit) position in the sr register.

* uart1_it_txe

* uart1_it_tc

* uart1_it_rxne

* uart1_it_idle

* uart1_it_or

* uart1_it_pe

* - for the uart1_it_lbdf value, y means the flag position in the cr4 register.

* z: register index: indicate in which register the dedicated interrupt source is:

* - 1==> cr1 register

* - 2==> cr2 register

* - 3==> cr4 register

*/typedef enum uart1_it_typedef;

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