
2021-10-14 01:25:11 字數 1143 閱讀 7516

* 主要的 *

function batchupdate($data, $field, $table, $params = )

$updates = parseupdate($data, $field);

$where = parseparams($params);

// 獲取所有鍵名為$field列的值,值兩邊加上單引號,儲存在$fields陣列中

// array_column()函式需要php5.5.0+,如果小於這個版本,可以自己實現,

$fields = array_column($data, $field);

$fields = implode(',', array_map(function($value) , $fields));

$sql = sprintf("update `%s` set %s where `%s` in (%s) %s", $table, $updates, $field, $fields, $where);

return $sql;

}function parseupdate($data, $field)

$sql .= "end,";

}return rtrim($sql, ',');

}function parseparams($params)

return $where ? ' and ' . implode(' and ', $where) : '';


$data = [   # 更新資料,需要帶上主鍵id

['id' => 1, 'name' => '張三', 'age' => 18],

['id' => 2, 'name' => '李四', 'age' => 35],

['id' => 3, 'name' => '王五', 'age' => 55],


$table = 'prefix_table'; # 資料表名

$field = 'id';

$update_sql = batchupdate($data, $field, $table, ); # 生成語句

mysqli_query($links, $update_sql); # 執行語句

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