mysql 啟動不起來 mysql 啟動不了

2021-10-17 13:54:15 字數 2070 閱讀 4176

dpkg -i mysql-common...deb

dpkg -i mysql-community-client...deg

dpkg -i mysql-client...deb

dpkg -i mysql-community-server...deb

dpkg -i mysql-server...deb


[my-010116] [server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.21) starting as process 2029

[system] [my-011012] [server] starting upgrade of data directory.

[system] [my-013576] [innodb] innodb initialization has started.

[error] [my-012224] [innodb] tablespace flags are invalid in datafile: ./ibdata1, space id:0, flags: 21. please refer to for how to resolve the issue.

[error] [my-012237] [innodb] corrupted page [page id: space=0, page number=0] of datafile './ibdata1' could not be found in the doublewrite buffer.

[error] [my-012930] [innodb] plugin initialization aborted with error data structure corruption.

[error] [my-011013] [server] failed to initialize dd storage engine.

[error] [my-010020] [server] data dictionary initialization failed.

[error] [my-010119] [server] aborting

[system] [my-010910] [server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.21) mysql community server - gpl

我跟著錯誤日誌中的鏈結去設定了 innodb_force_recovery = 1, 再重啟 systemctl restart mysql.service , 又報錯了

[system] [my-010116] [server] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 8.0.21) starting as process 1169

[system] [my-011012] [server] starting upgrade of data directory.

[system] [my-013576] [innodb] innodb initialization has started.

[error] [my-012936] [innodb] database upgrade cannot be accomplished with innodb_force_recovery > 0

[error] [my-012930] [innodb] plugin initialization aborted with error generic error.

[error] [my-011013] [server] failed to initialize dd storage engine.

[error] [my-010020] [server] data dictionary initialization failed.

[error] [my-010119] [server] aborting

[system] [my-010910] [server] /usr/sbin/mysqld: shutdown complete (mysqld 8.0.21) mysql community server - gpl

我是 mysql 菜雞,技窮了,請各位大佬指點一手,現在是剛安裝,沒有資料,所以怎麼搞都可以?


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