mysql 周轉日期 指定周轉對應日期

2021-10-17 20:13:13 字數 1193 閱讀 6680

sql 根據某年某周獲取對應日期



create function [dbo].[weektoday](@year int,@week int)

returns varchar(50)


declare @year1 datetime

declare @stratweek datetime

declare @endweek datetime

set @year1=convert(smalldatetime,convert(varchar(4),@year) + '-1-1')

set @stratweek=dateadd(day,1-datepart(weekday,@year1),dateadd(week,@week-1,@year1))

set @endweek=dateadd(day,6,@stratweek)

return convert(varchar(10),@stratweek,111)

endc#  根據某年某周獲取對應日期

例:  getfirstdayofweek(year, week, system.globalization.cultureinfo.invariantculture);

/// 根據一年中的第幾周獲取該週的開始日期

public static datetime getfirstdayofweek(int year, int week, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture)

system.globalization.calendar calendar = culture.calendar;

datetime firstofyear = new datetime(year, 1, 1, calendar);

datetime targetday = calendar.addweeks(firstofyear, week - 1);

dayofweek firstdayofweek = culture.datetimeformat.firstdayofweek;

while (targetday.dayofweek != firstdayofweek)

targetday = targetday.adddays(-1);

return targetday;


using system class program3 int i console.write 年 year int.parse console.readline console.write 周次 week int.parse console.readline if year 0 if week 1...


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