mysql做筆記 mysql學習筆記

2021-10-19 19:09:05 字數 1751 閱讀 6019

alter table:新增,修改,刪除表的列,約束等表的定義。

檢視列:desc 表名;

修改表名:alter table t_book rename to bbb;

新增列:alter table 表名 add column 列名 varchar(30);

刪除列:alter table 表名 drop column 列名;

修改列名mysql: alter table bbb change nnnnn hh int;

修改列名sqlserver:exec sp_rename'','nn','column';

修改列名oracle:lter table bbb rename column nnnnn to hh int;

修改列屬性:alter table t_book modify name varchar(22);

alter table user_info modify user_name varchar(10) after user_id;



alter table user_info modify user_id char(8) first;//將user_id移到最前面!!

前提 列必須在表中存在

mysql 錯誤 sql error: 1366: incorrect string value.

mysql 錯誤 sql error: 1366: incorrect string value: \xe8\xaf\xa6\xe7\xbb\x86: for column

set names utf8



load data infile 'd:/1.txt' into table tablename fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' // 每個域 『,』 終止 ,每個行 '\n'終止


select * into outfile 'd:\man.txt' from tablename ;

create table erollment(

sno varchar(8) not null,

cno varchar(3) not null,

tno varchar(6) not null,

grade double not null,

primary key(sno,cno,tno),foreign key (sno) references student(sno),

foreign key (cno) references courses(cno),foreign key (tno) references teacher(tno)


回答alter table erollment

add constraint fk_s foreign key (sno) references student(sno),

constraint fk_c foreign key (cno) references courses(cno),

constraint fk_t foreign key (tno) references teacher(tno)



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