python提取內容 使用Python提取小說內容

2021-10-19 21:33:30 字數 1793 閱讀 7177




# python: 2.7.8

# platform: windows

# program: get novels from internet

# author: wucl

# description: get novels

# version: 1.0

# history: 2015.5.27 完成目錄和url提取

from bs4 import beautifulsoup

import urllib2,re

def get_menu(url):

"""get chapter name and its url"""

user_agent = "mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 6.1; wow64; rv:39.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/39.0"

headers =

req = urllib2.request(url,headers = headers)

page = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

soup = beautifulsoup(page)

novel = soup.find_all('title')[0].text.split('_')[0] # 提取**名

menu =

all_text = soup.find_all('a',target="_blank") # 提取記載有**章節名和鏈結位址的模組

regex=re.compile(ur'\\u7b2c.+\\u7ae0') # 中文正則匹配第..章,去除不必要的鏈結

for title in all_text:

if re.findall(regex,title.text):

name = title.text

x = [name,title['href']]

return menu,novel

def get_chapter(name,url):

"""get every chapter in menu"""



content=soup.find_all('p') # 提取**正文

return content[0].text

if __name__=="__main__":

url=raw_input("""input the main page's url of the novel in zhulang\\n then press enter to continue\\n""")

if url:


print title,str(len(menu))+'\\n press enter to continue \\n' # 輸出獲取到的**名和章節數

for i in menu:



print '\\n'+i[0]+'\\n'

print chapter

print '\\n'


import requests import re import json from bs4 import beautifulsoup 微博要用cookies登入 乙個知識點 有script裡的內容用正則取出再處理 headers cookies處理格式 url res requests.get u...


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