ME2DP 建立預付款申請增強 F 47 增強

2021-10-20 17:20:12 字數 2533 閱讀 3554




data: gs_ekko  type ekko,

gt_ekpo type table of ekpo,

gs_ekpo type ekpo,

gt_***os type table of fpdp_s_***os_alv,

gs_***os type fpdp_s_***os_alv.


lv_kbetr type konp-kbetr,

lv_hsj type ekpo-netwr,

lv_shuilv type konp-kbetr,

lv_dpamt type wrbtr,

lv_chayi type wrbtr,

lt_messages type bapiret2,

lv_str_chayi type char20,

lt_ekbe type standard table of ekbe,

ls_ekbe type ekbe,

lt_ekbe_1 type standard table of ekbe


call function 'zuser_exit'


zxh = '0090'


zbs = lv_***.

if lv_*** is initial.

gs_ekko = i_control->t_ekko.

gt_ekpo = i_control->t_ekpo.

gt_***os = i_control->t_***os.

field-symbols :type bseg.

assign: ('(fpdp_start)bseg') to .

read table gt_ekpo into gs_ekpo index 1.

if sy-subrc = 0.

select single b~kbetr

into lv_kbetr

from a003 as a

inner join konp as b

on a~knumh = b~knumh

where a~mwskz = gs_ekpo-mwskz

and a~aland = gs_ekko-lands

and a~kschl = 'mwvs'.

lv_shuilv = lv_kbetr / 1000. "稅率

lv_hsj = gs_ekpo-netwr * ( 1 + lv_shuilv ). "含稅價


select ebeln ebelp wrbtr into corresponding fields of table lt_ekbe

from ekbe

where ebeln = gs_ekpo-ebeln

and ebelp = gs_ekpo-ebelp

and vgabe = 'a'.

loop at lt_ekbe into ls_ekbe.

collect ls_ekbe into lt_ekbe_1.

clear: ls_ekbe.



read table gt_***os into gs_***os with key ebelp = gs_ekpo-ebelp.

if sy-subrc = 0.

lv_dpamt = gs_***os-dpamt.

clear: gs_***os.


read table lt_ekbe_1 into ls_ekbe index 1.


delete et_messages where type = 'e' and id = '00'.


lv_chayi = lv_dpamt + ls_ekbe-wrbtr - lv_hsj.

if lv_chayi > 0.

lt_messages-type = 'e'.

lt_messages-id = '00'.

lt_messages-number = '001'.

lv_str_chayi = lv_chayi.

condense lv_str_chayi no-gaps.

concatenate '訂單' gs_ekpo-ebeln '行' gs_ekpo-ebelp '預付款金額已超出' lv_str_chayi

into lt_messages-message_v1.




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