mysql按章 mysql按時間範圍分割槽

2021-10-21 01:48:15 字數 2970 閱讀 2223






create table sales_year

(date datetime

)engine = innodb

partition by range(year(date))

(partition p2020 values less than (2020),

partition p2021 values less than (2021),

partition p2022 values less than (2022),

partition pmax values less than (maxvalue)

2.1、按月create table sales_month

(date datetime

)engine = innodb

partition by range(month(date))

(partition p202001 values less than (202001),

partition p202002 values less than (202002),

partition p202003 values less than (202003),

partition pmax values less than (maxvalue)

2.2、按天create table sales_day

(date datetime

)engine = innodb

partition by range(to_days(date))

(partition p20200101 values less than (20200101),

partition p20200202 values less than (20200102),

partition p20200203 values less than (20200103),

partition pmax values less than (maxvalue)


create table sales_second

(date timestamp

)engine = innodb

partition by range(to_seconds(date))

(partition p1 values less than (63769153669),

partition p2 values less than (63769153734),

partition p3 values less than (63769153752),

partition pmax values less than (maxvalue)


create table sales_timestamp

(id int,

date timestamp

partition by range ( unix_timestamp(date) )

(partition p1 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-02 00:00:00') ),

partition p2 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-03 00:00:00') ),

partition p3 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-04 00:00:00') ),

partition p4 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-05 00:00:00') ),

partition p5 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-06 00:00:00') ),

partition p6 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-07 00:00:00') ),

partition p7 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-08 00:00:00') ),

partition p8 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-09 00:00:00') ),

partition p9 values less than ( unix_timestamp('2020-10-10 00:00:00') ),

partition p10 values less than (unix_timestamp('2020-10-11 00:00:00') ),

partition pmax values less than (maxvalue)

insert into sales_timestamp(id,date) values( 1,current_timestamp());

insert into sales_timestamp(id,date) values( 2,current_timestamp());

insert into sales_timestamp(id,date) values(3,current_timestamp());

insert into sales_timestamp(id,date) values(4,current_timestamp());

insert into sales_timestamp(id,date) values( 5,current_timestamp());

insert into sales_timestamp(id,date) values( 5,'2020-10-05 00:00:00');

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