sql月度分組 SQL語句按年 月 日 季度分組

2021-10-21 08:13:37 字數 2549 閱讀 5181


select to_char(exportdate,『yyyy』),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy』);

年份      數量

2009    68

2010    137

2008    103


select to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-mm』),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-mm』)

order by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-mm』);

月份           數量

2008-02    20

2008-03    2

2008-04    6

2008-06    75

2009-10    23

2009-11    45

2010-08    5

2010-09    44

2010-10    88


select to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-q』),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-q』)

order by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-q』);

季度          數量

2008-1    22

2008-2    81

2009-4    68

2010-3    49

2010-4    88


select to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-iw』),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-iw』)

order by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy-iw』);

周             數量

2008-07    20

2008-11    2

2008-16    6

2008-24    75

2009-43    23

2009-46    45

2010-31    5

2010-35    44

2010-40    88


select to_char(exportdate,『yyyy』),

sum(decode(to_char(exportdate,『mm』),『01』,amount,『02』,amount,『03』,amount,0)) as 第一季,

sum(decode(to_char(exportdate,『mm』),『04』,amount,『05』,amount,『06』,amount,0)) as 第二季,

sum(decode(to_char(exportdate,『mm』),『07』,amount,『08』,amount,『09』,amount,0)) as 第三季,

sum(decode(to_char(exportdate,『mm』),『10』,amount,『11』,amount,『12』,amount,0)) as 第四季

from table1

group by to_char(exportdate,『yyyy』);

年份        第一季     第二季     第三季     第四季

2009         0            0            0          68

2010         0            0            49        88

2008         22          81           0          0


select count(id) cnt,datepart(mm,time) [month]

from [table]

where [time] between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'

group by datepart(mm,time)


select count(id) cnt,datepart(dd,time) [day]

from [table]

where time between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'

group by datepart(dd,time)


select count(id) cnt,datepart(hh,time) [hour]

from [table]

where [time] between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'

group by datepart(hh,time)

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