
2021-10-25 00:01:28 字數 2124 閱讀 5912

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fssl "
報錯:curl: (7) failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com port 443: connection refused




ruby /users/你的使用者名稱/存放路徑/brew_install.rb

bogon:~ ddd$ ruby /users/ddd/downloads/brew_install.rb

==> this script will install:







==> the following existing directories will be made group writable:




cloning into '/usr/local/homebrew/library/taps/homebrew/homebrew-core'...

error: rpc failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining

fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

error: failure while executing; `git clone /usr/local/homebrew/library/taps/homebrew/homebrew-core` exited with 128.

error: failure while executing; `/usr/local/bin/brew tap homebrew/core` exited with 1.

failed during: /usr/local/bin/brew update --force

error: rpc failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining

fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly


git config --global http.postbuffer 524288000
(2)執行brew update

bogon:~ ddd$ brew update

cloning into '/usr/local/homebrew/library/taps/homebrew/homebrew-core'...

remote: enumerating objects: 209, done.

remote: counting objects: 100% (209/209), done.

remote: compressing objects: 100% (121/121), done.

receiving objects: 35% (289988/807898), 83.63 mib | 45.00 kib/s


already up-to-date.


bogon:~ ddd$ brew -v

homebrew 2.5.6

homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision f2003f; last commit 2020-10-20)

Mac 安裝HomeBrew 踩坑總結

1 首先進入homebrew官網 按照官網提示在終端貼上命令如下 bin bash c curl fssl 可能會出現如下錯誤 提示沒有許可權!就用sudo命令 sudo bin bash c curl fssl 結果還是不行,報錯如下 其他帖子裡說用下面的命令修改許可權可以,但試了還是不行,可以試...

pydensecrf 安裝踩坑

今天將自己在ubuntu下的 遷移到了windows上面,然後在跑乙個pytorch 時,提示我沒有安裝pydensecrf,老老實實去cmd裡pip install pydensecrf,顯示 pip install pydensecrf 顯示一堆錯誤,最後一行是 error command c ...


cpu版本安裝失敗,gpu版本成功了。我以前以為cpu版本可能更容易實現一些,但是可能由於cpu的各種底層驅動的版本太多太複雜,反而容易出錯。記錄下安裝過程的一些坑,提醒其他的初學者。安裝的時候用映象,可能會快很多 新建的.py檔名,一定不要和呼叫的庫名相同,我曾經建過乙個paddle.py檔案,但...