oracle資料庫的sql語句 資料庫管理

2021-12-30 06:43:08 字數 1501 閱讀 1669

conn system/12345678


select username,account_status from dba_users;


select tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files;


select * from system_privilege_map;


create user user1 identified by 123;

--授予連線資料庫 建立資料庫 許可權

grant connect to user1;

grant resource to user1;


grant create session, create table, create view to user1;

--授予許可權 傳遞性

grant create session, create table, create view to user1 with admin option;


revoke create table, create view from user1;

conn user1/123

create table aaa(id int);


grant create session to user1;

grant unlimited tablespace to user1;//授予user1使用者使用表空間的許可權


grant create table to user1;


grant drop any table to user1;


grant insert any table to user1;


grant update any table to user1;

grant all to public;//這條比較重要,授予所有許可權(all)給所有使用者(public)

grant select on tablename to user1;//授予zhangsan使用者檢視指定表的許可權

grant drop on tablename to user1;//授予刪除表的許可權

grant insert on tablename to user1;//授予插入的許可權

grant update on tablename to user1;//授予修改表的許可權

grant insert(id) on tablename to user1;

grant update(id) on tablename to user1;//授予對指定表特定欄位的插入和修改許可權,注意,只能是insert和update

grant alert all table to user1;//授予zhangsan使用者alert任意表的許可權


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