Excel VBA 資料替換

2022-01-13 15:01:34 字數 1756 閱讀 1361

原始檔.xlsx 有兩列資料,乙個是原始值,一列是替代值


nvaluecount = 597


mypath = thisworkbook.path & "\"

myfile = dir(mypath & "*.xls")

dim nrow as long

dim ncolumn as long

dim sheetname as string

dim cellvalue as string

dim nvaluecount as integer

nvaluecount = 597

dim oldvalue()

dim newvalue()

redim oldvalue(nvaluecount)

redim newvalue(nvaluecount)

dim sht2

with workbooks.open(thisworkbook.path & "\原始檔.xlsx")

set sht2 = .worksheets(1)

with sht2

for i = 2 to nvaluecount + 2

oldvalue(i - 2) = .cells(i, 1)

newvalue(i - 2) = .cells(i, 2)


end with


end with

dim cellrange as range

dim curcellrange as range

dim hasf as variant

do while myfile <> ""

if myfile <> thisworkbook.name and myfile <> "原始檔.xlsx" then

with workbooks.open(mypath & myfile)

for each sht in .worksheets

with sht

set cellrange = sht.usedrange

sheetname = sht.name

nrow = cellrange.rows.count

ncolumn = cellrange.columns.count

for i = 1 to ncolumn

for j = 1 to nrow

set curcellrange = .cells(j, i)

if curcellrange.hasformula then

'hasf = rng.formula

exit for


'hasf = ""

end if

cellvalue = .cells(j, i)

for k = 0 to nvaluecount

if oldvalue(k) = cellvalue then

.cells(j, i) = newvalue(k)

curcellrange.notetext 'joker'

curcellrange.interior.color = rgb(0, 0, 255)

exit for

end if


'.cells(j, i)




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