Excel 巨集導資料

2022-03-31 11:44:56 字數 1057 閱讀 3117



sub aaa()

end sub


dim i, k as integer

dim conpon, groupbugcode as string

dim strsql as variant

dim connctiong as string

dim cn as new adodb.connection

dim isused, userid, orderid as integer

isused = 0

userid = 0

orderid = 0

dim s as integer

dim o as long


cn.open "dsn=wcj;uid=sa;pwd=sasa"

with sheet1

for k = 2 to 30000

conpon = .cells(k, 1)'1為列數,列數從1開始計數

if conpon <> "" then

groupbugcode = .cells(k, 2)

strsql = " insert into gb_coupons(coupon,groupbuycode,isused,userid ,orderid,updatedate) values('" & conpon & "','" & groupbugcode & "'," & isused & "," & userid & "," & orderid & ",getdate()) "

cn.execute strsql

s = s + 1

end if

next k

end with


set cn = nothing

msgbox "匯入" & s & "條資料成功!"



abap export data to excel summary 1.doiexport the data to excel description good performance please read the documentfor detail below.excel doi exampl...


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