
2022-04-30 04:42:07 字數 1584 閱讀 7640




注釋版sample code

#include#include#includeusing namespace std;

#define default_num 100

#define sec 1000000

int main()

printf("passed %d ......\n",i);

if(maker_time + std_time + brute_time < sec) system("sleep 1"); //如果時間超過1s就可以直接進行下一組資料

}return 0;


複製版sample code

#include#include#includeusing namespace std;

#define default_num 100

#define sec 1000000

int main()

printf("passed %d ......\n",i);

if(maker_time + std_time + brute_time < sec) system("sleep 1");

}return 0;



sample code

#include#include#include#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;

string i, ord1, ord2;

stringstream tmp;

string name = "seg";

#define sec 1000000


int l, r;

int main()

printf("data %d to %d is finish\n", l, r);

printf("please change maker.cpp and then type next l and r\n\n");

}return 0;



sample code

#include#include#include#include#include#include#includeusing namespace std;

string i, ord1, ord2;

stringstream tmp;

string name = "seg";

#define sec 1000000

int l, r;

int main()

printf("data %d to %d is finish\n", l, r);

printf("please change maker.cpp and then type next l and r\n\n");

}return 0;



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