Oracle shrink space 釋放空間

2022-07-12 03:57:12 字數 617 閱讀 9832

1. 查詢表空間中表對應的大小,好確定對哪張表進行操作

select  *  from dba_segments where tablespace_name='tbs_s05 ' and segment_type in ('table','table partition');

2. 允許表進行行移動 (某些表不能進行truncate,只能delete)

alter table tbl_etcgantrypicwaste enable row movement;

3. 對錶進行高水位線**


alter table tbl_etcgantrypicwaste shrink space cascade;


alter table tbl_etcgantrypicwaste modify partition sys886 shrink space cascade;

4. 取消錶行移動

alter table tbl_etcgantrypicwaste disable row movement;

5. 更新統計資訊

analyze table tbl_etcgantrypicwaste compute statistics;


harbor因為相同的標籤的映象重複提交次數過多導致,刪除映象後且gc清理後,磁碟空間沒有釋放。此檔案在harbor安裝目錄下,注釋下面部分,禁止身份驗證 auth token issuer harbor token issuer realm rootcertbundle etc registry ...


include include using namespace std templatevoid swap vector v2 int main cout swap cout v2 cout v3 v3 swap v3 cout vector v3 swap v3 swap v3 cout vect...

HBase 修改TTL 屬性釋放空間

1.停用相關表 hbase main 010 0 disable resourceurl 0 row s in 1383.2350 seconds 2.修改ttl屬性 hbase main 015 0 alter resourceurl updating all regions with the n...