ORA 19504,烏龍處理

2022-07-15 15:09:12 字數 1129 閱讀 4574

昨天晚上4點被**吵醒,夜班同事說產線無法使用,開啟電腦,用toad直接連資料庫ok.檢視log,說是無法寫archive log.檢視硬碟空間,有140g可用。select * from v$lock,一分鐘都沒有跑出來,cancel掉。夜班同事又打**催,乾脆重新啟動算了,也不找根本原因了。結果下了shutdown immediate命令之後,兩分鐘仍無反應。在等資料庫shutdown的時候,再次檢查了一下硬碟,天哪,只剩140m了,剛才沒睡醒,看成了140g了,趕快刪除掉一些archive log,資料庫很快shutdown 了,趕快再startup,烏龍一場。

因為要休長假,將資料庫交給其他同事管理,他一周都沒清理archive log,我也沒去檢查,哎,自做自受。今天上班都沒精神。以下是log。

errors in file d:\cim\dump\bdump\cim_arc1_3068.trc:

ora-19504: failed to create file "d:\cim\archive\arc001_062599653342989.arc"

ora-27044: unable to write the header block of file

osd-04008: writefile() failure, unable to write to file

o/s-error: (os 112) there is not enough space on the disk.

arc1: error 19504 creating archive log file to 'd:\cim\archive\arc001_062599653342989.arc'

arch: archival stopped, error occurred. will continue retrying

mon oct 26 03:42:51 2009

errors in file d:\cim\dump\bdump\cim_arc1_3068.trc:

ora-16038: log 3 sequence# 142989 cannot be archived

ora-19504: failed to create file ""

ora-00312: online log 3 thread 1: 'd:\cim\redo\redo3.log'

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