
2022-07-20 11:36:17 字數 1352 閱讀 5479

public sub quickconsolidatemethod()


dim wb as workbook, openwb as workbook

dim sht as worksheet, onesht as worksheet

dim rng as range, onerng as range, rangeaddress as string

const sheet_index = 1

const range_address = "c5:l17"

dim firstcell as range

dim arr() as string

redim arr(1 to 1)

dim folderpath, filename, fileindex


set sht = wb.activesheet

set rng = sht.range(range_address)

set firstcell = rng.cells(1, 1) '合計結果輸出位置的左上角

rangeaddress = rng.address(referencestyle:=xlr1c1) '選用指定格式的單元格位址

folderpath = wb.path & "\各部門\" '各部門工作簿資料夾

fileindex = 0

filename = dir(folderpath & "*.xls*")

do while filename <> ""

fileindex = fileindex + 1

redim preserve arr(1 to fileindex)

set onesht = openwb.worksheets(sheet_index)

arr(fileindex) = "'" & folderpath & "[" & filename & "]" & onesht.name & "'!" & rangeaddress '構造引用位址

openwb.close false '關閉檔案

filename = dir



firstcell.consolidate sources:=arr, function:=xlsum, toprow:=false, leftcolumn:=false, createlinks:=false


set wb = nothing: set sht = nothing

set rng = nothing: set openwb = nothing

set onesht = nothing

end sub


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