
2022-07-20 11:36:18 字數 2396 閱讀 6795


private sub customtransform1()

dim wb as workbook, sht as worksheet

dim newsht as worksheet, dic as object

dim endrow as long, irow

set dic = createobject("scripting.dictionary")

set sht = wb.worksheets("原始資料")


set newsht = wb.worksheets.add(after:=wb.worksheets(wb.worksheets.count))

on error resume next


on error goto 0

newsht.name = "轉置結果"


with sht

endrow = .cells(.cells.rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row

for i = 1 to endrow

key = .cells(i, 1).value


if dic.exists(key) = false then

dic(key) = dic.count + 1

end if

irow = dic(key) '輸出的行號

newsht.cells(irow, "a").value = key

newsht.cells(irow, "iv").end(xltoleft).offset(0, 1).value = .cells(i, 2).value

next i

end with


set dic = nothing: set wb = nothing

set sht = nothing: set newsht = nothing

end sub


private sub customtransform2()

dim wb as workbook, sht as worksheet

dim newsht as worksheet, dic as object

dim arr(), ar as variant

dim endrow as long, endcol as long

set dic = createobject("scripting.dictionary")

set sht = wb.worksheets("原始資料")


set newsht = wb.worksheets.add(after:=wb.worksheets(wb.worksheets.count))

on error resume next


on error goto 0

newsht.name = "轉置結果"


with sht

endrow = .cells(.cells.rows.count, 1).end(xlup).row

set rng = .range("a1:b" & endrow)

ar = rng.value

r = 0

redim arr(1 to endrow, 1 to 20) '構造二維陣列

for i = lbound(ar) to ubound(ar)

key = cstr(ar(i, 1))

if dic.exists(key) = false then

dic(key) = 1


dic(key) = dic(key) + 1

end if

r = dic.count: c = dic(key)

arr(r, 1) = r: arr(r, c + 1) = ar(i, 2)

next i

end with


newsht.range("a1").resize(ubound(arr), ubound(arr, 2)).value = arr


set dic = nothing: set wb = nothing

set sht = nothing: set newsht = nothing

end sub

EasyUI List轉tree資料格式

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