
2022-08-27 13:09:11 字數 4178 閱讀 9591

下面和大家分享本人在leetcode上已經ace的題目原始碼(python3): 本人會持續更新!~

class leetcode_solution(object):

def twosum_1(self,nums, target):

""":type nums: list[int]

:type target: int

:rtype: list[int]


# 此解法複雜度為o(n^2)

new_nums =

for i in range(len(nums)):

for j in range(i+1,len(nums)):

if nums[i] + nums[j] == target:

return new_nums

'''# 此解法複雜度為o(n)

# 拓展:若解不唯一,可先將nums排序後進行下面操作,將全部符合對輸出

if len(nums)<= 1:

return false


dict = {}

for i in range(len(nums)):

# 字典底層是用hash表實現的,無論字典中有多少元素,查詢的平雲複雜度均為o(1)

if num[i] in dict:

return [dict[nums[i]], i]


dict[target - nums[i]] = i

def reverse_7(self,x):

""":type x: int

:rtype: int

"""max = 2**31 - 1

min = -1*2**31

if x < 0:

y = -1*int(str(-x)[::-1])


y = int(str(x)[::-1])

if y > max or y < min:

return 0

return y

def ispalindrome_9(self, x):

renum = 0

if x < 0 or (x % 10 == 0 and x != 0):

return false

while x > renum:

renum = renum * 10 + x % 10

x /= 10

return x == renum or x == renum/10

def romantoint_13(self, s):

""":type s: str

:rtype: int

"""dic =

sum = 0

for i in range(len(s)-1):

if dic[s[i]] < dic[s[i+1]]:

sum -= dic[s[i]]


sum += dic[s[i]]

return sum + dic[s[-1]]

def longestcommonprefix_14(self, strs):

""":type strs: list[str]

:rtype: str

"""if len(strs) == 0: # horizontal scanning/////another way: vertical scanning

return ''

prefix = strs[0]

for i in range(1,len(strs)):

while strs[i].find(prefix) != 0:

prefix = prefix[0:len(prefix)-1]

if prefix == '':

return ''

return prefix

def isvalid_20(self, s):

""":type s: str

:rtype: bool


list =

a = b = c = 0

if len(s) == 0:

return true

for i in range(len(s)):

if s[i] == '(':

a += 1

if s[i] == '':

if len(list) != 0 and list[-1] == '','[':']'}

stack =

for i in s:

if i in dic.values():

elif i in dic.keys():

if stack == or dic[i] != stack.pop():

return false


return false

return stack ==

def mergetwolists_21(self, l1, l2):

""":type l1: listnode

:type l2: listnode

:rtype: listnode

"""# definition for singly-linked list.

# class listnode:

# def __init__(self, x):

# self.val = x

# self.next = none

head = rear = listnode(0)

while l1 and l2:

if l1.val < l2.val:

rear.next = l1

l1 = l1.next


rear.next = l2

l2 = l2.next

rear = rear.next

rear.next = l1 or l2

return head.next

def removeduplicates_26(self, nums):

""":type nums: list[int]

:rtype: int

"""if len(nums) == 0:

return 0

newtail = 0

for i in range(1,len(nums)):

if nums[i] != nums[newtail]:

newtail += 1

nums[newtail] = nums[i]

return newtail + 1

def removeelement_27(self, nums, val):

""":type nums: list[int]

:type val: int

:rtype: int

"""i = len(nums)

j = 0

if i == 0:

return 0

while j < i:

if nums[j] == val:


i -= 1


j += 1

return len(nums)

def strstr_28(self, haystack, needle):

""":type haystack: str

:type needle: str

:rtype: int

"""for i in range(len(haystack) - len(needle) +1):

if haystack[i:i+len(needle)] == needle:

return i

return -1

def searchinsert_35(self, nums, target):

""":type nums: list[int]

:type target: int

:rtype: int

"""return len([x for x in nums if x < target])

def countandsay(self, n):

""":type n: int

:rtype: str


leetcode題庫 回文數

判斷乙個整數是否是回文數。回文數是指正序 從左向右 和倒序 從右向左 讀都是一樣的整數。輸入 121 輸出 true輸入 121 輸出 false 解釋 從左向右讀,為 121 從右向左讀,為 121 因此它不是乙個回文數。輸入 10 輸出 false 解釋 從右向左讀,為 01 因此它不是乙個回文...

LeetCode題庫 簡單題

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LeetCode 題庫練習 2

題目 給出兩個 非空 的鍊錶用來表示兩個非負的整數。其中,它們各自的位數是按照 逆序 的方式儲存的,並且它們的每個節點只能儲存 一位 數字。如果,我們將這兩個數相加起來,則會返回乙個新的鍊錶來表示它們的和。您可以假設除了數字 0 之外,這兩個數都不會以 0 開頭。示例 輸入 2 4 3 5 6 4 ...