oracle分組後合併其中乙個字段 (2)

2022-08-28 12:15:08 字數 1053 閱讀 7802


select wmsys.wm_concat( orgs, t.area_name

from (select concat(concat(b.abbreviation, '-'), b.org_name) org,

a.area_name area_name

from t_organization  b

left join t_area_store a

on a.store_code = b.unit_id

where b.close_date is null

and b.abbreviation is not null

order by a.area_name) t

group by t.area_name

該語句獲取的結果為:orgs 字段型別為clob型別,若果前段需要展示時得再次處理


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