VB 更改桌面背景的例子

2021-04-01 00:45:36 字數 2176 閱讀 5553

private declare function getwindowsdirectory lib "kernel32" alias "getwindowsdirectorya" (byval lpbuffer as string, byval nsize as long) as long

private declare function systemparametersinfo lib "user32" alias "systemparametersinfoa" (byval uaction as long, byval uparam as long, byval lpvparam as any, byval fuwinini as long) as long

const spi_setdeskwall***** = 20

const spif_sendwininichange = &h2

const spif_updateinifile = &h1

const reg_sz as long = 1

const hkey_current_user = &h80000001

private declare function regclosekey lib "advapi32.dll" (byval hkey as long) as long

private declare function regopenkeyex lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regopenkeyexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpsubkey as string, byval uloptions as long, byval samdesired as long, phkresult as long) as long

private declare function regsetvalueexstring lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regsetvalueexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string, byval reserved as long, byval dwtype as long, byval lpvalue as string, byval cbdata as long) as long

private declare function regsetvalueexlong lib "advapi32.dll" alias "regsetvalueexa" (byval hkey as long, byval lpvaluename as string, byval reserved as long, byval dwtype as long, lpvalue as long, byval cbdata as long) as long

private sub setkeyvalue(skeyname as string, svaluename as string, vvaluesetting as variant, lvaluetype as long, lpredefinedkey as long)

lretval = regopenkeyex(lpredefinedkey, skeyname, 0, key_all_access, hkey)

lretval = setvalueex(hkey, svaluename, lvaluetype, vvaluesetting)

regclosekey (hkey)

end sub

private function setvalueex(byval hkey as long, svaluename as string, ltype as long, vvalue as variant) as long

dim lvalue as long

dim svalue as string

select case ltype

case reg_sz

svalue = vvalue & chr$(0)

setvalueex = regsetvalueexstring(hkey, svaluename, 0&, ltype, svalue, len(svalue))

case reg_dword, reg_binary

lvalue = vvalue

setvalueex = regsetvalueexlong(hkey, svaluename, 0&, ltype, lvalue, 4)

end select

end function


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請注意 該動畫內所含廣告與本站無任何關係,為作者個人宣傳,網路交易風險自負 今天給大家做的教程是個桌面選單 看看我的 怎麼樣 還可以把 下面 我 就來做了 我就不多廢話了 下面我們來加控制元件 我們加個 這裡你們可以加的 我們在來加個控制元件 怎麼樣 還行吧!本人帶做各種軟體 教程結束!skin1....


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