
2021-04-01 15:20:54 字數 1207 閱讀 8535

create domain thdatetime as timestamp;

create domain thdouble as double precision;

create domain thv60 as varchar(60);

create domain thmemo as blob sub_type text segment size 80;

create domain thtf as varchar(1)

default 'f';

create domain thnum as numeric(15,2);

create domain budget as numeric(15, 2)

default 50000

check (value > 10000 and value <= 2000000);

create domain custno as integer

check (value > 1000);

create domain deptno as char(3)

check (value = '000' or (value > '0' and value <= '999') or value is null);

create domain empno as **allint;

create domain jobcode as varchar(5)

check (value > '99999');

create domain jobgrade as **allint

check (value between 0 and 6);

create domain ponumber as char(8)

check (value starting with 'v');

create domain prodtype as varchar(12)

default 'software'

check (value in ('software', 'hardware', 'other', 'n/a')) not null;

create domain projno as char(5)

check (value = upper (value));

create domain salary as numeric(15, 2)

default 0

check (value > 0);

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