
2021-05-27 19:31:11 字數 1024 閱讀 3302


to add tabs to my view during creation, i just do this in the oncreate of my ctabview-derived class:

int addview( cruntimeclass* pviewclass, const cstring& strviewlabel, int iindex=-1, ccreatecontext* pcontext=null );

eg:addview(runtime_class(cchartview), 「chart」,101);

cchartview * p = dynamic_cast



cview * pview = getactiveview();

cmfctabview *pparent = (cmfctabview *)pview->getparent();

ctabview *ptabview = (ctabview *)pparent ->getparent();

return ptabview ;



[in] itab

the zero-based index of a tab.

cview *pcurrentview = getactiveview();//得到當前活動tabview的指標

int tabindex = gettabview()->findtab(pcurrentview->m_hwnd); //得到當前活動tabview的index

if(tabindex ?= 欲開啟的tabview) 可以判斷某個特定的tabview是否active


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