MySql資料庫優化筆記 一

2021-05-28 13:49:50 字數 2643 閱讀 5765



ab -c 100 -n 1000 http://localhost/forum.php

document path:          /forum.php

document length:        2118 bytes

concurrency level:      100

time taken for tests:   238.752 seconds

complete requests:      1000

failed requests:        96

(connect: 0, receive: 0, length: 96, exceptions: 0)

write errors:           0

total transferred:      2188195 bytes

html transferred:       1985211 bytes

requests per second:    4.19 [#/sec] (mean)

time per request:       23875.242 [ms] (mean)

time per request:       238.752 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)

transfer rate:          8.95 [kbytes/sec] received

connection times (ms)

min  mean[+/-sd] median   max

connect:        0    2   4.8      0      31

processing:    31 12721 42814.3     62  218394

waiting:       31 12721 42814.4     62  218394

total:         31 12723 42814.4     62  218394

percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)

50%     62

66%     78

75%     78

80%     94

90%  15881

95%  128251

98%  195681

99%  218207

100%  218394 (longest request)






document path:          /forum.php

document length: 23624 bytes

concurrency level: 100

time taken for tests: 35.353 seconds

complete requests: 1000

failed requests: 0

write errors: 0

total transferred: 24247000 bytes

html transferred: 23624000 bytes

requests per second: 28.29 [#/sec] (mean)

time per request: 3535.251 [ms] (mean)

time per request: 35.353 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests)

transfer rate: 669.79 [kbytes/sec] received

connection times (ms)

min mean[+/-sd] median max

connect: 0 2 5.0 0 31

processing: 296 3477 650.6 3479 5647

waiting: 296 3470 649.9 3479 5632

total: 296 3479 650.7 3479 5647

percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)

50% 3479

66% 3592

75% 3666

80% 3713

90% 3914

95% 4867

98% 5132

99% 5429

100% 5647 (longest request)

可以發現 速度明顯上公升。



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