DM8148 攝像頭採集 顯示 識別測試 三

2021-06-12 05:20:17 字數 4068 閱讀 5787


#ifndef _displayfb_h_

#define _displayfb_h_

extern "c"

#define fb_dev "/dev/fb0"

#define __fnc__ __function__

class cdisplayfb



int initfb(char * fb_device,const int width,const int height);

int initfb(char * fb_device);

int exitfb();

int copyimagetofb(unsigned char * source, int width,int height);

unsigned short rgb888torgb565(unsigned char red,unsigned char green, unsigned char blue);

int fb_open(char *fb_device);

int fb_close(int fd);

int fb_stat(int fd, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height, unsigned int * depth);

void *fb_mmap(int fd, unsigned int screensize);

void *fd_mmap(int fd, unsigned int filesize);

int fb_munmap(void *start, size_t length);

int fb_pixel(void *fbmem, int width, int height,

int x, int y, unsigned short color);


int fd;

unsigned char *buffer;

struct stat st;

int fbdev;

char *fb_device;

unsigned char *fbmem;

unsigned char *fdmem;

unsigned int screensize;

unsigned int fb_width;

unsigned int fb_height;

unsigned int fb_depth;

unsigned int x;

unsigned int y;

struct fb_fix_screeninfo fb_finfo;

struct fb_var_screeninfo fb_vinfo;

}; #endif


#include "displayfb.h"

int cdisplayfb::fb_open(char *fb_device)

return fd;

}int cdisplayfb::fb_close(int fd)

/* get framebuffer's width, height, and depth.

* return 0 if success, else return -1.

*/int cdisplayfb::fb_stat(int fd, unsigned int *width, unsigned int *height, unsigned int * depth)

if (ioctl(fd, fbioget_vscreeninfo, &fb_vinfo))

*width = fb_vinfo.xres;

*height = fb_vinfo.yres;

*depth = fb_vinfo.bits_per_pixel;

return 0;

}/* map shared memory to framebuffer device.

* return maped memory if success

* else return -1, as mmap dose

*/void * cdisplayfb::fb_mmap(int fd, unsigned int screensize)

return fbmem;

}/* map shared memmory to a opened file */

void *cdisplayfb::fd_mmap(int fd, unsigned int filesize)

return fdmem;

}/* unmap map memory for framebuffer device */

int cdisplayfb::fb_munmap(void *start, size_t length)

/* convert 24bit rgb888 to 16bit rgb565 color format */

unsigned short cdisplayfb::rgb888torgb565(unsigned char red,

unsigned char green, unsigned char blue)

/* display a pixel on the framebuffer device.

* fbmem is the starting memory of framebuffer,

* width and height are dimension of framebuffer,

* width and height are dimension of framebuffer,

* x and y are the coordinates to display,

* color is the pixel's color value.

* return 0 if success, otherwise return -1.

*/int cdisplayfb::fb_pixel(void *fbmem, int width, int height,

int x, int y, unsigned short color)

int cdisplayfb::initfb(char * fb_device,const int width,const int height)

if(fb_height < height)

printf("fb_width= %d \n", fb_width);

printf("fb_height= %d \n",fb_height);

/* map framebuffer device to shared memory */

screensize = fb_width * fb_height * fb_depth / 8;

fbmem = (unsigned char *)fb_mmap(fbdev, screensize);

if (ioctl(fbdev, fbioget_fscreeninfo, &fb_finfo))

printf("ioctl fbioget_fscreeninfo ok\n");

if (ioctl(fbdev, fbioget_vscreeninfo, &fb_vinfo))

printf("ioctl fbioget_vscreeninfo ok\n");

return 0;

}int cdisplayfb::initfb(char * fb_device)

printf("ioctl fbioget_fscreeninfo ok\n");

if (ioctl(fbdev, fbioget_vscreeninfo, &fb_vinfo))

printf("ioctl fbioget_vscreeninfo ok\n");

return 0;

} int cdisplayfb::copyimagetofb(unsigned char * source, int width,int height)

return 0;

}int cdisplayfb::exitfb()

DM8148 攝像頭採集 顯示 識別測試 四

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