
2021-06-22 06:53:18 字數 4703 閱讀 9533

#include "cv.h"

#include "highgui.h"

#include #include #include #include // various tracking parameters (in seconds)

const double mhi_duration = 0.5;

const double max_time_delta = 0.5;

const double min_time_delta = 0.05;

// 用於運動檢測的迴圈幀數,與機器速度以及fps設定有關

const int n = 2;

// ring image buffer

//iplimage **buf = 0;//注釋掉這句,改為下句

iplimage *buf[n];

int last = 0;

// temporary images

iplimage *mhi = 0; // mhi: motion history image

iplimage *orient = 0; // orientation

iplimage *mask = 0; // valid orientation mask

iplimage *segmask = 0; // motion segmentation map

cvmemstorage* storage = 0; // temporary storage

// parameters:

// img - input video frame

// dst - resultant motion picture

// args - optional parameters

void update_mhi( iplimage* img, iplimage* dst, int diff_threshold )


for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )

//cvreleaseimage( &mhi );

//cvreleaseimage( &orient );

//cvreleaseimage( &segmask );

//cvreleaseimage( &mask ); //還沒有對這四個指標分配記憶體,就釋放,覺得有問題。

mhi = cvcreateimage( size, ipl_depth_32f, 1 );

cvzero( mhi ); // clear mhi at the beginning

orient = cvcreateimage( size, ipl_depth_32f, 1 );

segmask = cvcreateimage( size, ipl_depth_32f, 1 );

mask = cvcreateimage( size, ipl_depth_8u, 1 );

} cvcvtcolor( img, buf[last], cv_bgr2gray ); // convert frame to grayscale

idx2 = (last + 1) % n; // index of (last - (n-1))th frame

last = idx2;

silh = buf[idx2];

// 相鄰兩幀的差

cvabsdiff( buf[idx1], buf[idx2], silh ); // get difference between frames

// 對差影象做二值化

cvthreshold( silh, silh, diff_threshold, 1, cv_thresh_binary ); // and threshold it

cvupdatemotionhistory( silh, mhi, timestamp, mhi_duration ); // update mhi

// convert mhi to blue 8u image

// cvcvtscale的第四個引數 shift = (mhi_duration - timestamp)*255./mhi_duration

// 控制幀差的消失速率

cvcvtscale( mhi, mask, 255./mhi_duration,

(mhi_duration - timestamp)*255./mhi_duration );

cvzero( dst );

cvcvtplanetopix(mask, 0, 0, 0, dst); // b,g,r,0 -> dist : convert to blue image,影象融合


//cvcvtplanetopix(mask, mask, mask, 0, dst);//白色顯示效果

// 計算運動的梯度方向以及正確的方向掩模mask

// filter size = 3

cvcalcmotiongradient( mhi, mask, orient,

max_time_delta, min_time_delta, 3 );

if( !storage )

storage = cvcreatememstorage(0);



// 運動分割: 獲得運動部件的連續序列

// segmask is marked motion components map. it is not used further

seq = cvsegmentmotion( mhi, segmask, storage, timestamp, max_time_delta );

// iterate through the motion components,

// one more iteration (i == -1) corresponds to the whole image (global motion)

for( i = 0; i < seq->total; i++ )


// select component roi

cvsetimageroi( silh, comp_rect );

cvsetimageroi( mhi, comp_rect );

cvsetimageroi( orient, comp_rect );

cvsetimageroi( mask, comp_rect );

// 在選擇的區域內, 計算運動方向

angle = cvcalcglobalorientation( orient, mask, mhi, timestamp,


angle = 360.0 - angle; // adjust for images with top-left origin

// 在輪廓內計算點數


運動模板檢測 include cv.h include highgui.h include include include include 不同的跟蹤引數 const double mhi duration 0.5 const double max time delta 0.5 const doub...


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