OC 第五講 字串

2021-06-23 00:23:56 字數 4546 閱讀 2060



nsstring *str = @"這是我們第一次嘗試";

nslog(@"%lu", [str length]);   //獲取字串長度

nslog(@"%lu", sizeof(unichar));

/* nsstring 字串類常用方法*/



//nsstring *erdong = @"二東";  存在在常量區

nsstring *erdong = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@"二東%d%d%@", 2, 50, str]; // 存在堆

nsstring *erdong2 = [[nsstring alloc] initwithstring:erdong]; //字串物件

nslog(@"erdong  :%p ", erdong);

nslog(@"erdong2 :%p ", erdong2);

nslog(@"%@", erdong);


nsstring *erdong13 = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@!!!", erdong];

nslog(@"%@", erdong13);

nsstring *shiyao = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"gafak"];


if ([shiyao hasprefix:@"ga"]) else

if ([shiyao hassuffix:@"ak"]) else


nsrange range = [erdong13 rangeofstring:@"250"];


和 length成員變數

nslog(@"location :%lu length: %lu", range.location, range.length);


if (range.length != 0) else


nsstring *caiyangzhengyu = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@"蔡楊振宇"];

nslog(@"%@", [caiyangzhengyu substringfromindex:2]);    //從下標2開始輸出後面的

nslog(@"%@",[caiyangzhengyu substringtoindex:2]);       //從下標2開始輸出前面的

nsrange r = ; //從下標1開始,輸出長度為2的

nslog(@"%@", [caiyangzhengyu substringwithrange:r]); //取範圍內的字串


nsstring *caiyangzhengyuerdong3 = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@"%@", erdong13];

nslog(@"%@", caiyangzhengyuerdong3);  //拼接乙個物件

//nsstring 拼接的真面目!!產生乙個新的字串物件

nslog(@"蔡楊振宇      :%p", caiyangzhengyu);

nslog(@"蔡楊振宇二東   :%p", caiyangzhengyuerdong3);


nsrange r1 = ;  //將蔡楊振宇的下標為2的長度為3 的字串子串給換掉。「不管傳進去幾個「,250就是沒有了!!

nsstring *a = [caiyangzhengyuerdong3 stringbyreplacingcharactersinrange:r1 withstring:@"07"];

nslog(@"%@", a);

//將所有的 7 換成 「七」

nsstring *string = @"12341255647679756789015678765456786524";

nslog(@"%@", [string stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"7" withstring:@"七"]);


nsstring *stra = @"a";

nsstring *strb = @"b";

nsstring *strc = @"c";

nsstring *strbb = @"bb";

nsstring *strba = @"ba";

nsstring *stra2 = @"a";

nslog(@"  a b  :%ld", [stra compare:strb]);

nslog(@"  c a  :%ld", [strc compare:stra]);

nslog(@"  a a2 :%ld", [stra compare:stra2]);

nslog(@" bb ba :%ld", [strbb compare:strba]);

nslog(@"%ld", [@"老王" compare:@"小王"]);

nslog(@"%ld", [@"王子龍" compare:@"孫嘉懿"]);



int age = 20;  //@"20"

nsstring *strage = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d", age];

nslog(@"%@", strage);


nslog(@"%d", [strage intvalue] + 1);


nsstring *casestring = @"in the compare:"

"methods, the range argument specifies the subrange"

"rather than the whole, of the receiver "

"to use in the comparison. "

nslog(@"%@", [casestring uppercasestring]);    //全大寫

nslog(@"%@", [casestring lowercasestring]);    //全小寫

nslog(@"%@", [casestring capitalizedstring]);  //每個單詞得首字母大寫(以空格為介)

/* msmutablestring 可變字串常用方法 */


nsmutablestring *mstring = [nsmutablestring stringwithformat:@"今天很糟糕"];



nslog(@"%@", mstring);


[mstring insertstring:@"真的" atindex:2];

nslog(@"%@", mstring);


nsrange r4 = ;

[mstring deletecharactersinrange:r4];

nslog(@"%@", mstring);




nsstring *st = [[nsstring alloc] initwithformat:@"abcd_efgk"];

nsrange ra = [st rangeofstring:@"efgk"];

nsstring *st1 = [[nsstring alloc] init];

nsstring *st2 = [[nsstring alloc] init];

if (ra.length) ;  //擷取每一字元

nsstring *s = [st1 substringwithrange:j];

if ([s compare:@"a"] < 0) }

} //2.

nsstring *music = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"1245.png"];

if ([music hassuffix:@"png"]) else


第五周作業 平衡字串

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