學習筆記6 9

2021-07-03 09:38:21 字數 2417 閱讀 9989

select prod_name,prod_price

from products

where prod_price =3.49;

select prod_name,prod_price

from products

where prod_price <> 3.49;

select prod_name,prod_price

from products

where prod_price between 4 and 10;

--1 where 篩選關鍵字;

select * from products where prod_name >'dzzzzzzz';

-- 從emp表中列出 job值大於'clerk'的項 (由於比較的是字串,所以加單引號),小寫大於大寫

/*2 between and

select ename,sal from emp where sal between 800 and 1500

從emp表中找到 sal值在800和1500之間的項(包括800和1500) 列出他們的ename 和sal*/

--3 空值

select prod_id,prod_name from products where prod_price is null ;


select prod_id,prod_name from products where prod_price is not null ;

--4 模糊查詢

-- 查詢prod_name中包含inch的項

select prod_name from products where prod_name like '%inch%' ;

-- %代表0個或多個字元, 次查詢目的為了找到ename 值為 all 左邊和右邊具有0個或多個字元的項

-- 查詢ename第二個字母為a 的項

select prod_name from products where prod_name like '_8%' ;

--5 轉義字元

-- 查詢prod_name中帶有 % 的項

select prod_name from products where prod_name like '%$%%' escape '$' ;

-- 指定'$'為轉義字元查詢% .

--轉義字元預設為'/' 使用/ 為轉義字元時不用寫後面的escape ..

--6 排序order by

-- select * from dept order by deptno ; (預設公升序)

-- select * from dept order by deptno desc ;(按deptno的降序排序)


-- select empno,ename from emp where empno <> 10 order by empno; (先過濾 再排序)

-- select empno,ename from emp order by empno asc,ename desc; 按(empno公升序排序) empno相同時按ename 降序排序*/

select prod_id,prod_name,prod_price

from products

where vend_id ='dll01' and prod_price <=4;

select prod_id,prod_name,prod_price

from products

where vend_id ='dll01' or prod_price <=10;

--and優先 --brs01製造的**大於10美元的產品和dll01製造的所有產品,不管**

select prod_name,prod_price

from products

where vend_id ='dll01' or vend_id='brs01'

and prod_price >=10;

select prod_name,prod_price

from products

where (vend_id ='dll01' or vend_id='brs01')

and prod_price >=10;

select prod_name,prod_price

from products

where vend_id in('dll01','brs01')

order by prod_name;

select prod_name

from products

where not vend_id ='dll01'

order by prod_name;


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