ROS學習 (十六)roswtf

2021-07-04 08:02:29 字數 1231 閱讀 9006


$ roscd

$ roswtf


static checks summary:

cannot communicate with master, ignoring graph checks

如果你的ros安裝沒問題,你應該會看到類似上面的輸出資訊,它的含義是: * 「stack: ros」: roswtf根據你當前目錄來確定需要做的檢查,這裡表示你是在rosstack中啟動roswtf。 * 「static checks summary」: 這是有關檔案系統問題的檢查報告,現在的檢查結果表示檔案系統沒問題。 * 「cannot communicate with master, ignoring graph checks(無法與master連線,忽略圖(graph)檢查)」: roscore沒有執行,所以roswtf沒有做執行時檢查。


static checks summary:

beginning tests of your ros graph. these may take awhile…

analyzing graph…

… done analyzing graph

running graph rules…

… done running graph rules

online checks summary:

found 1 warning(s).

warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault

warning the following node subscriptions are unconnected:

* /rosout:

* /rosout


warning the following node subscriptions are unconnected:

* /rosout:

* /rosout


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