
2021-08-13 15:16:06 字數 1564 閱讀 2012

2、讀readme.md 全文如下:

# h264extractor

wireshark plugin to extract h264 stream from rtp packets, support single nal unit mode(rtp packetization mode 0),  fu-a and stap-a.  in addition, opus stream is supported as well.

# how to use h264extractor

* copy rtp_h264_extractor.lua to the directory where wireshark was installed

* edit init.lua,  make sure "disable_lua = false" and add "dofile(data_dir.."rtp_h264_extractor.lua")"

* when open pcap file in wireshark,  decode as rtp and configure the h264 dynamic payload types.  

* menu - tools - extract h264 stream from rtp

# how to use opus extractor

* copy rtp_opus_extractor.lua to the directory where wireshark was installed

* edit init.lua,  make sure "disable_lua = false" and add "dofile(data_dir.."rtp_opus_extractor.lua")"

* when open pcap file in wireshark,  decode as rtp.  

* menu - tools - extract opus stream from rtp

# todo

* h265 extractor

# reference

* *

* *



disable_lua = false,在檔案最後"dofile(data_dir.."rtp_h264_extractor.lua")"。

把rtp_h264_extractor.lua複製到安裝目錄下,開啟wireshark在工具選單多了一項:extract h264 stream from rtp,


開啟wireshark, 在解碼為當前值選擇rtp。

檢視rtp包的payload type(如96),那麼在wireshark工具欄選擇編輯-首選項->protocols->h264,

把h264 dynamic payload types設成96。

設定完以上,執行工具-extract h264 stream from rtp,



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