
2021-08-19 21:13:35 字數 1391 閱讀 2574

1. linux gcc編譯error:"collect2: ld returned 1 exit status"

2023年06月27日 14:03:33


bmeta_info.cpp:4280: undefined reference to `crypt』

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


undefined reference to 錯誤:這類錯誤是在連線過程中出現的,可能有兩種原因∶一是使用者自己定義的函式或者全域性變數所在源**檔案,沒有被編譯、連線,或者乾脆還沒有定義,這 需要使用者根據實際情況修改源程式,給出全域性變數或者函式的定義體;二是未定義的符號是乙個標準的庫函式,在源程式中使用了該庫函式,而連線過程中還沒有 給定相應的函式庫的名稱,或者是該檔案庫的目錄名稱有問題

使用 man crypt命令後從中找到如下資訊:

the glibc2 version

of this function has the following additional features. if salt is a character

string starting with

the three characters

"$1$" followed by

at most eight characters, and optionally terminated by

"$", then

instead of using the des machine, the glibc crypt function uses an md5-based algorithm, and outputs up to

34 bytes, namely "$1$$", where

"" stands for

the up to

8characters following "$1$"

inthe salt, followed by

22 bytes chosen from

theset [a–za–z0–9./]. the entire key is significant here (instead of only the


8 bytes).

programs using this function must be linked with -lcrypt.

最重要的是最後一句」programs using this function must be linked with -lcrypt.」,即鏈結需要加入-lctypt

解決方法:g++ -lcrypt ***x


Qt 5 0 2 32 bit 編譯錯誤

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