Java Integer的相關蹊蹺

2021-08-26 17:50:53 字數 1220 閱讀 5447


integer a = 1;

integer b = 2;

integer c = 3;

integer d = 3;

integer e = 321;

integer f = 321;

long g = 3l;

long h = 2l;

system.out.println(c == d);

system.out.println(e == f);

system.out.println(c == (a + b));


system.out.println(g == (a+b));





* compares this object to the specified object. the result is

* if and only if the argument is not

* and is a object that

* contains the same value as this object.

** @param obj the object to compare with.

* @return if the objects are the same;

* otherwise.

*/public boolean equals(object obj)

return false;



編譯後為:system.out.println(g.equals(integer.valueof(a.intvalue()+b.intvalue())));這裡的g是乙個long型別,所以obj instanceof long 直接return false; 

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