oracle 常用指令

2021-08-29 17:34:08 字數 2828 閱讀 4175

關鍵字: oracle 常用指令

--授權pkg_gps_audit 包給使用者simmon

grant execute on pkg_gps_audit to simmon

--刪除simmon訪問pkg_gps_audit 的 許可權

revoke execute on pkg_gps_audit from simmon


create global temporary table

test232(id number(10) primary key,name varchar2(100) not null)

on commit delete rows;

--帶有rollup操作符的group by用於產生 乙個包含常規分組行和小計行的結果集(常用於統計報表),

--帶有cube操作符的group by 用於產生group by 子句中所指定的分組的所有可能組合(常用於統計報表)


select code,sum(price) from economy group by cube(code);

select code,name,sum(price) from economy group by cube(code,name);

select code sum(price) from economy group by rollup(code);

select code,name,sum(price) from economy group by rollup(code,name);

--union,union all,minus,intersect常用的集合操作字元

select id  from test_temp minus select id   from test_temp2; --交集

select id from test_temp union select id from test_temp2; --並集

select id from test_temp intersect select id from test_temp2 ; --除去交集部分的並集

select * from test_temp where id in (select id from test_temp minus select id from test_temp2) ;



select * from test_temp where id = 2 for update wait 10;

update test_temp set name = 'yoncher' where id= 2;


exception when others then rollback;



grant all on account to myspace; --授權account表給myspace使用者

create or replace synonym account for tempuser.account; --建立tempuser使用者的account表的同義詞

create or replace synonym account for account@tempuser_102 ; --建立tempuser_102的db_link的同義詞

drop synonym account; --刪除同義詞






--a)檢視的查詢不能選擇偽列,如currval 和nextval。



drop table order_master;

create table order_master(

orderno varchar2(5) primary key,

odate date,

vencode varchar2(5),

ostatus char(1),

del_date date

drop table order_detail;

create table order_detail(

itemcode varchar2(5) primary key,

qty_ord number(5),

qty_deld number(5),

orderno varchar2(5),

foreign key(orderno) references order_master(orderno)

);insert into order_master values('a001',sysdate,'china','p',sysdate);

insert into order_detail values('b10',200,200,'a001');

create or replace view orders as

select o.orderno,o.odate,o.vencode,d.itemcode,d.qty_ord

from order_master o,order_detail d

where o.orderno = d.orderno

with check option;  --還有另外乙個模式with read only,唯讀模式,

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