C 練習例項4 之mysql實現

2021-09-25 18:03:19 字數 1156 閱讀 4217



drop  function if exists test;

create function test( year int, month int, day int)

returns int


declare sum ,leap int default 0;

-- 判斷輸入的日期是否正確

if date_format(concat(year,'-',month,'-',day),'%y%m%d') is null then

return null;

end if ;

case month

when 1 then set sum=0;

when 2 then set sum=31;

when 3 then set sum=59;

when 4 then set sum=90;

when 5 then set sum=120;

when 6 then set sum=151;

when 7 then set sum=181;

when 8 then set sum=212;

when 9 then set sum=243;

when 10 then set sum=273;

when 11 then set sum=304;

when 12 then set sum=334;

end case ;

set sum=sum+day;

if year%400 = 0 or (year%4=0 and year%100<>0) then

set leap=1;


set leap=0;

end if;

if leap=1 and month>2 then

set sum=sum+1;

end if;

return sum;


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