
2021-09-05 21:29:17 字數 798 閱讀 8335


to calculate area:

dim output as double

dim parea as iarea

set parea = [shape]

output = parea.area

to calculate length or perimeter (depending on whether the features are lines or polygons):

dim output as double

dim pcurve as icurve

set pcurve = [shape]

output = pcurve.length

to add the x coordinate of points:

dim output as double

dim ppoint as ipoint

set ppoint = [shape]

output = ppoint.x

to add the x coordinate of polygon centroids:

dim output as double

dim parea as iarea

set parea = [shape]

output = parea.centroid.x

新建立乙個字段,在字段上有乙個caculator geometry 在點一下,會看到什麼……




input 輸入1個數s 1 s 10 9 output 輸出最小周長。sample input 24sample output 20這道題剛開始憨憨的沒管時間用兩個for去幹被爆tle,但後來發現是高中學的乙個均值不等式,給定乙個面積去求周長的最小值,可以用ab a b 2 4,用這個不等式當a ...

Problem E 求圓的面積和周長

problem e 求圓的面積和周長 time limit 1 sec memory limit 2 mb submit 16481 solved 6715 submit status web board description 從鍵盤輸入圓的半徑,求圓的面積和周長,圓周率取3.14。input 輸...


求周長的做法是對每個段,用線段樹計算出不相交的區間個數,至於求區間個數,有點像掃瞄線的做法,也是先排序,排序之後就是求括號序列有多少個區間,很有技巧。然後就是段的長度 區間個數 2,然後對矩形座標進行關於y x對稱,再做一次就是完整的周長了。受求周長做法的啟發,可以得到求矩形交面積的做法,需要乙個一...