JS 物件機制深剖 new 運算子

2021-09-08 16:21:40 字數 2903 閱讀 5402

newnewthe new operator

the production

newexpression : new newexpression

evaluate newexpression.

call getvalue(result(1)).

if type(result(2)) is not object, throw a typeerror exception.

call the [[construct]] method on result(2), providing no arguments (that is, an empty list of arguments).

return result(5).

回到上述定義,其大意是,new 後必須跟乙個物件並且此物件必須有乙個名為 [[construct]] 的內部方法(其實這種物件就是構造器),否則會丟擲異常,比如:

var str = "test";

var astr = new


//ff 顯示「str is not a constructor」

//ie 顯示「物件不支援此操作」

var num = new number(999);

var anum = new



如果符合以上條件,那麼引擎將呼叫其 [[construct]] 內部方法,並不提供入口引數。接下來便要考察此內部方法。

另外,下面一段是 new 運算子的帶參用法,由於和無參用法區別不大,讀者朋友可直接略過。

the production memberexpression : new memberexpression arguments is evaluated as follows:

evaluate memberexpression.

call getvalue(result(1)).

evaluate arguments, producing an internal list of argument values (11.2.4).

if type(result(2)) is not object, throw a typeerror exception.

if result(2) does not implement the internal [[construct]] method, throw a typeerror exception.

call the [[construct]] method on result(2), providing the list result(3) as the argument values.

return result(6).

when the [[construct]] property for a function object f is called, the following steps are taken:

create a new native ecmascript object.

get the value of the prototype property of the f.

if result(3) is not an object, set the [[prototype]] property of result(1) to the original object prototype object as described in

if type(result(6)) is object then return result(6).

return result(1).

根據這些內容,我們完全可以構造乙個偽 [[construct]] 方法來模擬此流程(其實已有眾多前輩做過此工作):



myobject.construct = function

() , constructor =myobject;

o.__proto__ =constructor.prototype;

//ff 支援使用者引用內部屬性 [[prototype]]



var obj1 = new myobject(10);

var obj2 = myobject.construct(10);








constructs an object. invoked via the new operator. objects that implement this internal method are called constructors.


a string value indicating the kind of this object.


executes code associated with the object. invoked via a function call expression. objects that implement this internal method are called functions.


the prototype of this object.


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js中 new運算子解密

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