機器學習開放專案 NBA統計資料分析

2021-09-10 15:40:09 字數 725 閱讀 5820

本資料報括2004 - 2005 nba和aba統計資料:

this download contains 2004-2005 nba and aba stats for:


-player regular season stats


-player regular season career totals


-player playoff stats


-player playoff career totals


-player all-star game stats


-team regular season stats


-complete draft history

-coaches_season.txt - nba賽季教練記錄

-coaches_season.txt - nba coaching records by season

-coaches_career.txt - nba職業生涯教練記錄

-coaches_career.txt - nba career coaching records




機器學習開放專案 NBA統計資料分析

本資料報括2004 2005 nba和aba統計資料 this download contains 2004 2005 nba and aba stats for 球員常規賽資料 player regular season stats 球員常規賽季職業生涯總進球數 player regular se...


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