使用 CUBE 彙總資料

2021-10-03 04:41:18 字數 1698 閱讀 2296

cube 運算子生成的結果集是多維資料集。多維資料集是事實資料(即記錄個別事件的資料)的擴充套件。擴充套件是基於使用者要分析的列建立的。這些列稱為維度。多維資料集是結果集,其中包含各維度的所有可能組合的交叉**。

cube 運算子在 select 語句的 group by 子句中指定。該語句的選擇列表包含維度列和聚合函式表示式。group by 指定了維度列和關鍵字 with cube。結果集包含維度列中各值的所有可能組合,以及與這些維度值組合相匹配的基礎行中的聚合值。

create table inventory

( item char(10) null,

color char(10) null,

quantity int null

)insert into inventory






select item,color,sum(quantity) as qtysum

from inventory

group by item,color with cube

select item,color,sum(quantity) as qtysum

from inventory

group by cube(item,color)

select case when (grouping(item) = 1) then 'all'

else isnull(item, 'unknown')

end as item,

case when (grouping(color) = 1) then 'all'

else isnull(color, 'unknown')

end as color,

sum(quantity) as qtysum

from inventory

group by item, color with cube

select case when (grouping(item) = 1) then 'all'

else isnull(item, 'unknown')

end as item,

sum(quantity) as qtysum

from inventory

group by item with cube

gocreate view invcube as

select case when (grouping(item) = 1) then 'all'

else isnull(item, 'unknown')

end as item,

case when (grouping(color) = 1) then 'all'

else isnull(color, 'unknown')

end as color,

sum(quantity) as qtysum

from inventory

group by item, color with cube

select *

from invcube

where item = 'chair'

and color = 'all'


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