OPENGL ES20 立方體 球型繪製

2021-10-07 15:33:46 字數 3149 閱讀 7233




public class cube extends shape ";

private final string fragmentshadercode =

"precision mediump float;" +

"varying vec4 vcolor;" +

"void main() ";

final float cubepositions = ;

final short index = ;

float color = ;

static final int coords_per_vertex = 3;

static final int bytes_per_float = 4;

int vertexstride = coords_per_vertex * bytes_per_float;

private int program;

private int vpmatrixhandle;

private int positionhandle;

private int colorhandle;

public cube()

public void draw(float vpmatrix)


public class cone extends shape ;

private final string vertexshadercode =

// this matrix member variable provides a hook to manipulate

// the coordinates of the objects that use this vertex shader

"uniform mat4 umvpmatrix;" +

"attribute vec4 vposition;" +

"void main() ";

private final string fragmentshadercode =

"precision mediump float;" +

"uniform vec4 vcolor;" +

"void main() ";

private int program;

private int vpmatrixhandle;

private int positionhandle;

private int colorhandle;

public cone(float radius, float height)

private float circlecoords(float radius)

return coords;

}public void draw(float vpmatrix)


public class ball extends shape ;

static final int bytes_per_float = 4;

int vertexstride = coords_per_vertex * bytes_per_float;

private final string vertexshadercode =

// this matrix member variable provides a hook to manipulate

// the coordinates of the objects that use this vertex shader

"uniform mat4 umvpmatrix;" +

"attribute vec4 vposition;" +

"void main() ";

private final string fragmentshadercode =

"precision mediump float;" +

"uniform vec4 vcolor;" +

"void main() ";

private int program;

private int vpmatrixhandle;

private int positionhandle;

private int colorhandle;

private int vertexcount;

private static final string tag = ball.class.get******name();

public ball(float radius, int count)

//赤道處圓心 0,0,0 半徑為r 乙個圓形 40份需要41個點


//0-> -90°圓錐

private float initballcoords(float radius, int count)

for (int i = 1; i <= 90; i++)

return coords;

}private int getcirclecoords(float coords, float radius, int count, float z, int offset)

return offset;

}public void draw(float vpmatrix)



public class glrender_matrix_4 implements glsu***ceview.renderer 


public void onsu***cechanged(gl10 gl, int width, int height)


public void ondrawframe(gl10 gl)


矩陣可以疊加,球型實在看不出來是球,所以換成gl_lines 了,為了驗證座標計算的正確性



opengles,終於能把這東西畫出來 其實兩種方法都是畫12個三角形畫出來的,在opengl es中,只支援三角形,所以任何複雜多邊形都是由三角形畫出來的。第一種 頂點法 把乙個四邊形當成乙個面,而乙個面由兩個三角形組成。乙個三角形是不是有3個頂點?所以乙個面就有了3 3個頂點,乙個立方體有6個面...


opengles這東西真tm蛋疼,研究了幾天了,終於能把這東西畫出來 其實兩種方法都是畫12個三角形畫出來的,在opengl es中,只支援三角形,所以任何複雜多邊形都是由三角形畫出來的。第一種 頂點法 把乙個四邊形當成乙個面,而乙個面由兩個三角形組成。乙個三角形是不是有3個頂點?所以乙個面就有了3...

QT Opengl ES2 0顯示立方體
