
2021-10-09 09:27:26 字數 2184 閱讀 9298

給定乙個整數陣列 nums 和乙個目標值 target,請你在該陣列中找出和為目標值的那 兩個 整數,並返回他們的陣列下標。


示例:給定 nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9

因為 nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9

所以返回 [0, 1]


#include #include int* twosum(int* nums, int numssize, int target, int* returnsize)}}

return res;

}int main ()

; int numssize = 4;

int target = 23;

int returnsize = 0;

int *result = null;

result = twosum(nums, numssize, target, &returnsize);

for (int i = 0; i < returnsize; i++)


方法2: hash法

#include #include typedef struct hash_data  hash_data;

typedef struct hash_table hash_table;

/* init hash_table */

int hash_init(hash_table* table, int width)

hash_data** tmphash = malloc(sizeof(hash_data*) * width);

table->head = tmphash;

memset(table->head, 0, width * sizeof(hash_data*));

if (table->head == null)

table->hash_width = width;

return 0;

}/* free hash_table */

int hash_free(hash_table table, int width)


table.head = null;

}table.width = width;

}/* the function of hash */

int hash_addr(hash_table table, int key)

/* insert key-value to hash_table */

int hash_insert(hash_table table, int key, int value)

tmpdata->key = key;

tmpdata->value = value;

int table_index = hash_addr(table, key);

tmpdata->next = table.head[table_index];

table.head[table_index] = tmpdata;

return 0;

}/* select key-value form hash_table */

hash_data* hash_find(hash_table table, int key, int value)

ele_head = ele_head->next;

}return null;

}int* twosum(int* nums, int numssize, int target, int* returnsize)

for (int i = 0; i < numssize; i++)

}return res;

}int main ()

; int numssize = 4;

int target = 23;

int returnsize = 0;

int *result = null;

result = twosum(nums, numssize, target, &returnsize);

for (int i = 0; i < returnsize; i++)


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