EDA與VHDL題目 數字鐘

2021-10-19 09:13:03 字數 4659 閱讀 4658

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity clock is

port (

clk : in std_logic;

reset : in std_logic;

reset2 : in std_logic;

xianshi : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --

xuanze : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) --選擇數碼管亮滅

);end clock;

architecture code1 of clock is

signal clk1: std_logic; -- 定義 1hz 訊號 秒錶輸入

signal clk2: std_logic; -- 定義 1/60 hz 訊號 秒錶輸出,分鐘輸入

signal clk3: std_logic; --定義 1/3600 hz 訊號 分鐘輸出,時鐘輸入

signal clk4: std_logic; --定義 1khz 訊號 用於 數碼管選擇

signal sh: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";--秒個位

signal sl: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";--秒十位

signal mh: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";--分個位

signal ml: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";--分十位

signal hl:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";--時個位

signal hh:std_logic_vector(3 downto 0):="0000";--時十位

signal sel:std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);

signal a: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);


p1 :process (clk) --並行處理,程序1產生1hz的訊號clk1,作為秒錶輸入

variable count: integer range 0 to 25000000 := 0;

variable count1: std_logic := '1';


if (clk'event and clk='1') then

count := count+1;

if count=25000000 then


count1:=not count1;

end if;

clk1 <= count1;

end if;

end process;

p2 :process (clk) --程序2 產生 1khz 的訊號clk4,作為數碼管選擇

variable count: integer range 0 to 25000 := 0;

variable count1: std_logic := '1';


if clk'event and clk='1' then

count := count+1;

if count=25000 then


count1:=not count1;

end if;

clk4 <= count1;

end if;

end process;

p3 :process(clk1,reset) --程序3 秒錶 以 1hz的clk1為輸入,以 clk2 為輸出


if(reset = '0') then --非同步清零

sh <= "0000";

sl <= "0000";

elsif(clk1'event and clk1 ='1') then -- 模60開始

if (sh="0101" and sl="1001" ) then

clk2 <= '1';

sh <= "0000";

sl <= "0000";


clk2 <= '0';

if (sl = 9) then

sl <= "0000";

if (sh = 5) then

sh <= "0000";


sh<= sh + 1;

end if;


sl <= sl + 1;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end process;

p4 :process(clk2,reset) --程序4 分鐘 以 clk2為輸入,以 clk3 為輸出


if (mh="0101" and ml="1001" ) then

clk3 <= '1';


clk3 <= '0';

if(reset = '0') then --非同步清零

mh <= "0000";

ml <= "0000";

elsif(clk2'event and clk2 ='1') then -- 模60開始

if (ml = 9) then

ml <= "0000";

if (mh = 5) then

mh <= "0000";


mh<= mh + 1;

end if;


ml <= ml + 1;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end process;

p5:process(clk3) --程序5 時鐘 以 clk2為輸入,以 clk3 為輸出


if(reset = '1') then

if(clk3'event and clk3='1')then


if(hl = 9) then


hh<=hh + 1;

end if;

if(hh=2 and hl = 3)then



end if;

end if;



end if;

end process;

p6:process(clk4,sl,sh,ml,mh,hl,hh) -- 選數碼管 以1khz訊號輸入,


if clk4'event and clk4='1' then --6個數碼管,不斷地從 0-5 迴圈,不斷選擇數碼管 頻率為1khz


if (sel = 5) then

sel <= "000";

end if;

end if;

case sel is

when "000" => xuanze <= "111110";a <= sl; --秒個位, 選擇數碼管

when "001" => xuanze <= "111101";a <= sh;

when "010" => xuanze <= "111011";a <= ml;

when "011" => xuanze <= "110111";a <= mh;

when "100" => xuanze <= "101111";a <= hl;

when "101" => xuanze <= "011111";a <= hh; --時十位

when others => null;

end case;

case a is

when "0000" => xianshi <= "00111111"; --數碼管表示數字 0 解碼

when "0001" => xianshi <= "00000110"; --1

when "0010" => xianshi <= "01011011"; --2

when "0011" => xianshi <= "01001111"; --3

when "0100" => xianshi <= "01100110"; --4

when "0101" => xianshi <= "01101101"; --5

when "0110" => xianshi <= "01111101"; --6

when "0111" => xianshi <= "00000111"; --7

when "1000" => xianshi <= "01111111"; --8

when "1001" => xianshi <= "01101111"; --9

when others => null;

end case;

end process;

end code1;

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