五子棋演算法(c )

2022-01-15 19:48:45 字數 2677 閱讀 2801







public static void main(string args)

;int index = 56;//落子位置

bool iswin = check(index, qipanarr);

if (iswin)




}//輸出: 黑子 win!

static int width = 8;//可以設定此值,代表棋盤的長寬

static int length = width * width;

static int hengxiangincr = 1;

static int zongxiangincr = width;

static int rigthincr = width + 1;

static int leftincr = width - 1;

static bool check(int index, int qipanarr)


if (!iswin)


if (!iswin)

return iswin;

}/// /// 檢查橫向





static bool checkhengxiang(int index, int qipanarr)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)

}if (matchcount < 5)

index += hengxiangincr;

if (index < 0 || index >= length)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)}}

return matchcount == 5 ? true : false;

}/// /// 檢查縱向





static bool checkzongxiang(int index, int qipanarr)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] + cyclecount != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)

}if (matchcount < 5)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] - cyclecount != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)}}

return matchcount == 5 ? true : false;

}/// /// 檢查右斜





static bool checkright(int index, int qipanarr)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] + cyclecount != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)

}if (matchcount < 5)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] - cyclecount != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)}}

return matchcount == 5 ? true : false;

}/// /// 檢查左斜





static bool checkleft(int index, int qipanarr)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] + cyclecount != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)

}if (matchcount < 5)

if (indexrownumerdict[index] - cyclecount != orirow)

if (qipanarr[index] != type)

if (++matchcount == 5)}}

return matchcount == 5 ? true : false;


public enum etype

下五子棋的bot 五子棋演算法

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